Monday, October 1, 2012

Job #4

Why do you think Peyton in the 3rd chapter was "in full possession of his physical senses"? How could he suddenly hear, see, and touch things that he had never perceived before?


  1. He could have just been noticing things he had taken for granted before, just out of joy after suddenly being given a second chance to live. Or, his senses might have just seemed relatively alert after the sensory deprivation caused by the hanging.

  2. Yeah that's pretty much what I thought too. It uses the word "preternaturally" to describe his senses, which means supernatural. Then it goes on to say that something had disturbed his organ system so much that it had refined his senses. I think these are maybe clues that Peyton is already dead.

  3. I agree with Zach. Up till now Peyton had seen this as a hopeless situation. He had lost his mind to pain and came up with a very un-intellectual shriek. But since he had freed his hands, gotten rid of the noose, and taken a fresh breath, he saw the world in a new light. It was a very observant light :)

  4. These are all amazing thoughts that you all have written and have help me understand that section much better! Peyton was begining to believe that maybe he had just a thread of hope left. Because of this, perhaps he was noticing things more acutely that he ever had before. Each piece of nature had a special part in his dream of escape.

  5. Dreams and hallucinations can cause you to think anything so he may have just made up things after he was "in full possession of his physical abilities" that weren't actually there before.
