Friday, September 28, 2012

Job #3

1) Knell- Its recurrence was regular, but as slow as the tolling of a death knell. 

2) Imperious- below

3) Chafed- Circumstances of an imperious nature, which it is unnecessary to relate here, had prevented him from taking service with the gallant army that had fought the disastrous campaigns ending with the fall of Corinth, and he chafed under the inglorious restraint, longing for the release of his energies, the larger life of the soldier, the opportunity for distinction.

4) Oscillation- Encompassed in a luminous cloud, of which he was now merely the fiery heart, without material substance, he swung through unthinkable arcs of oscillation, like a vast pendulum.

5) Apprised- He was not conscious of an effort, but a sharp pain in his wrist apprised him that he was trying to free his hands.

1 comment:

  1. Knell- the sound of a bell, esp when rung solemnly for a death or funeral

    Imperious- assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering

    Chafe- become or make annoyed or impatient because of a restriction orinconvenience

    Oscillation- move or swing back and forth at a regular speed

    Apprised- inform or tell
